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Of The Day

1 . e2,5mom x 4 8 strict press + 15 push ups 2 . in teams of 2 20 min amrap 50 wall ball 50 kb swings 50 box step ups with 1 db or kb 50 s2o 50/40 cal […]

‎1. emom x 5 2 weighted pull ups 2. Emom x 5 5 deficit hspu 3. 10 rounds for time of 4 c2b pull ups 3 burpees box jump over 2 wall walks 1 power clean  

1. E2mom x 4 3 power clean 2. E2,5mom x 3 12 dead lift 3. 8 min amrap of this ladder 1 burpee pull up 5 m walking lunges with a db 1 devil press with a db 5m walking […]

1. E2mom x 4 2 squat snatches 2. 3 rounds of 0-2 20-14 cal row or 1:15 max row 2-4 10 bar muscle ups / 15 pull ups 4-6 5 strict hspu + 10 hspu / 30 push ups 6-8 […]

1. E2mom x 4 5 back squats 70-80 % 2. 8 min to build a heavy 2 rep thruster 3. 2 rounds of 100 du / 100 su 30 hang alternative db snatches 100 du/ 100 su 30 one arm […]

1. E2,5mom x 4 5 front squats 2A. 5 min amrap 7 hang power clean 7 box jumps over 5 min rest 2B. 5 min amrap 5 hang power snatches 1 rope climb 3. 3 sets for quality of 12 […]

1. E2mom x 4 3 push jerks 2. E2mom x 3 10 strict press 3. In teams of 2, 4 rounds each 10 t2b 10 kb swings 10 hspu or 10 hand release push ups  

1. E2mom x 5 1 power clean + 1 squat clean 2. 4 rounds of 1st min 6-8 strict pull ups 2nd min 5-7m hs walk or 7-10 wall facing strict hspu 3rd min rest 3. 3 sets not for […]

1. E3mom x 4 8 dead lifts + 5 weighted chin ups 2. Emom 20 min 1st min 13/9 ‏cal row 2nd min 10 pull ups 3rd min 12 alternative db snatches 4th min rest

1. E2,5mom x 4 3 muscle snatches + 2 snatch balance + 1 ohs with 3 sec pause 2. 15-12-9 reps for time of Burpees over bar & front squats Rest 3 min and 15-12-9 reps for time of Burpees […]

1. E2,5mom x 4 8-6-4-4 reps front squats 2. Emom 24 min 1st min 15/11 cal row, or 40 sec max row 2nd min 15/11 cal Bikeerg or 11/7 cal air bike or 40 sec max bike 3rd min 14 […]

1 . e3mom x 4 10 strict press + 20 push ups 2 . in teams of 2 12 min amrap of 1 round each 10 hang power snatches 10 step over the box 3. 5 min amrap of 15  […]

1 . e2mom x 5 1 squat clean + 2 front squats 2 . 4 rounds of 1st min 12 hspu or 3 wall walks 2nd min 10 db thrusters 3rd min 15/11 cal row or 40 sec max effort […]

1. E2mom x 5 1 squat snatch + 1 hang squat snatch + 1 ohs 2. In teams of 3 25 min cap 2000m/1500m row 100 pull ups 2000/1500m row 100 burpees over row  

1. E2mom 8-8-6-6-4-4 reps Back squat 2. 11 min time cap for this 21-18-15-12-9 db step ups and t2b 3. 3 sets of 10 ring push ups 15 australian pull ups

1. E2,5mom x 4, 5-4-3-3 reps Front squat 2. In teams of 2 2 rounds for time of 10 shuttle runs 6m run together 50 db snatches 10 shuttle runs 6m run together 50 s2o with 2 db 10 shuttle […]

WHAT IS CrossFit?

Το CrossFit είναι μία μέθοδος γυμναστικής για όλο το σώμα με καλά αποτελέσματα. Στο πρόγραμμα αυτό χρησιμοποιούνται τα καλύτερα στοιχεία και οι πιο ωφέλιμες ασκήσεις για τον άνθρωπο και την υγεία του, από διάφορα αθλήματα και συστήματα προπόνησης.


Δευτέρα – Παρασκευή:
08:00 – 23:00

12:00 – 20:00

Κυριακή: Κλειστά


Ύδρας 7 Τούμπα / 2313 251 939

Λυσίου 4 Καλαμαριά / 2310 457 378

our gym