in teams of 2
A. 3 rounds of 5 power snatch, 7 burpees over bar, 9 dead lift, partners perform one round & change, time cap 10 min
B. in 8 min amrap 100 american swings, 80 wall ball, 60 hand release push ups, partners change every 30”, count total reps
C. in 10 min, one partner does 20 sattle sprints 5m (touching the ground)+10 chest pull ups, the other does plank, count total reps of sprints & pull ups, every time you break plank team loses 10 points.
1. back squat find 2 rm in 20 min( ex. if you have 135kg, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 125, 130, 132.5, 135kg)
2. gymnastics
3. do A & C of sport, bars 50/30kg