1. 0-6 min, 4 rounds of 10 kb press, 10 c2b pull ups
2. 6-17 min, 21 thrusters, 15 hang power clean, 9 hang power snatch, 9 s2o, 15 front squats, 21 dead lifts
3. 17-22 min, 3 rounds of 20 hand release push ups, 10 pull ups, 15 wall ball
1. 0-7 min, 4 rounds of 10 kb snatch each hand, 5 bar muscle up,
2. 7-17 min, 21 thrusters, 15 hang power clean, 9 hang power snatch,6 clean & jerk, 9 s2o, 15 front squats, 21 dead lifts,
3. 17-22 , 3 rounds of 10m hand stand walk, 5 ring muscle ups, 15 wall ball