warm up 4 rounds of 7 med ball clean, 10 push ups
1. e2mom, for 1o min, 3 hang power clean, 6 thrusters, 9 burpees over bar
2. 5 rounds of 30 lunges with a medball, 15 wall ball (alternative lunges, step back)
warm up 4 rounds of 10 med ball clean, 10 hollow rocks, 10 superman rocks
1. A. emom 5′ 1 power clean, rest 1′, B. emom 5′ 2 hang squat clean – 1 push jerk, rest 1′ C. emom 5′ 1 clean & jerk (split) rest 3′
2. in 5′ amrap of chest pull ups & burpees, for 3-6-9-12……reps rest 3′
3. in 1′ max handstand walk or max handstand hold, rest 3′
4. for time 20 burpee ring muscle up time cap 5′.