1. dead lift 3-3-3-3 e2mom
2. tabata interval, pull ups, push ups, sit ups, squats 8 rounds each of 20 sec work, 10 sec rest
1. A. clean 2nd pull 3-3-3 (1 rm max clean) B. dead lift 3-3-3, 85%, e2mom
2. emom 5′, 1 strict press, 1 push press, 1 split jerk, take the bar with a clean (weigth on bar 1 rm of strict press)
3. in 10′, buy in 100 double unders, then amrap of 7 hang power snatch 40/25kg, 9 box jumps, 11 chest pull ups
4. run 25 min, 5 min warm up, 15 min 145 bpm, 5 min cool down